Anyway....We are back from the Honeymoon. Here are some pics from the wedding and stuff....
THE WEDDING...Thanks to those who have emailed pictures. Here are a few. When I get the proofs back I will scan and post. Right now, all I have are what others have emailed. If any of you have some, I would love to have copies.....

I stole this one from Rachel's blog. I think Kelly may have taken it. It's our favorite so romantic looking.
The wedding girls. I've been (or will be for Jen) a bridesmaid in eight of these girls' weddings. I was only missing Kelli R. (who got lost on the way to the reception so she and her husband headed back home to Seymour) and Lindsey (who was at home with Labor pains). I wasn't actually a bridesmaid in Aimee's wedding....just the "coordinator" but we counted it.
Pictured are: Jen, Nora, Kelli, Jennifer, Me, Lori, Heather, Jami, Jesse, and Aimee.
My baby nieces and their daddy making their entrance to the reception. I think Gracie Beth was napping in her parents' arms by this point. You can check out pictures of her on the "Terri's Gracie Page" link.

My surprise for Jonathon-the ultimate groom's cake. His pilot friends thought it was awesome as well.

I loved the cookies, too!
We ate outside every opportunity we had. The weather was amazing.
We found a cute little mini-golf place. Jonathan kicked my butt.....but only by two strokes. We were practicing our putting skills for the big golf tournament on Memorial Day.
We went to the beach to watch the sunset. Why can't I find a pair of sunglasses that look normal on my head....just asking.
This was an earlier walk on the beach...
That's all for now..... It's back to the real world.