Monday, May 25, 2009
Decorating Tips...
Michelle and Russell...Her dress was super cute!
I don't know why I didn't get a shot of Lindsey and Tim???? Or Jeremy????
Sunday: We were poised and ready for church but then we got the call from my sister that our friend Sarah needed help moving. She's pregnant and has lost two babies already and Kristen was worried if she didn't have enough help she would overdo it. We took the truck over and helped get them moved. Their new house is beautiful!! I wish I had taken my camera. Jonathon and I added a few of their design aspects to our "wish list" of a house.
We got home in time for Jonathon to start packing up for his ride back to London, Ky for the week. Our friend Travis stopped by for a visit and invited us to a Riverbats game. Jonathon couldn't go but I went on and had a great time. It was fun to get a chance to hang out with his wife Megan. I haven't known her very long but I really like her. :)
Today was supposed to be the Annual Karen Hooser Golf Classic but is was raining so we postponed it. There's still going to be a cookout this afternoon with some indoor game playing but we'll have to wait to find out who the 2009 winner is this year.
What a full weekend!
Monday, May 18, 2009
To-do List....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Three Weeks
Slow down...take deep breaths....and take one day at a time. If you see me on the edge over the next three weeks, remind me of those three steps!!
The To-Do List:
-Organize the Relay for Life team for JJ and get everything ready to go for the big event that will take place a week after I leave. This includes holding two fund raising events in the next two weeks and getting all of our donated funds turned in....oh and pick up the team t-shirts.
-Finish up the final assignments with the kiddos then get through or organize: Field Day, 5th Grade Summer Olympics, a Talent Show, and a Graduation Ceremony.
-Make a video for our 5th graders
-Clean and organize my classroom.
-Clean and organize my house.
-Purchase all my travel items.
-Pack for Africa....keeping everything I need to donate/use for 6 weeks within two 50lb. suit cases. It's not easy.
-Get around to some friends and family before I leave.
-Watch Chris and Kristen get remarried and take them to dinner.
-Celebrate my friend Michelle's 30th!
-Got to Lexington with Jonathon for a little reunion.
-Ummm....I think that's it.....I'm sure there's one or five things I'm forgetting about it.
My head is spinning......I heading to bed so I can start EVERYTHING tomorrow....
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

Mom LOVED to entertain with food. She was an excellent cook and I so wish I had paid more attention to her culinary skills when I was younger. She had a side business of catering weddings and anniversary parties. It was a family thing and we all loved it. She would give Kristen and I a cut of the profits from each wedding and it paid pretty well. It was always her dream to have a full-time catering business. We were looking into grants for women business owners for a while but as her health failed it was put on the back burner. I loved those times in the kitchen with her. We all had our departments to take care of. I was the sandwich can you mess up sandwiches, right?!
The night before I graduated from IU I had a dream about her. She had passed away the summer before my last year there but in my dream it was the day of my graduation party and my mom was there. We were all in the kitchen doing our catering duties and preparing for the guests to arrive. In my dream I knew my mom was not alive anymore but didn't understand why nobody else was freaking out about it. My dream ended with us sitting on the couch, watching TV before our guests arrived. On the TV was a commercial for funeral caskets. My thoughts were "Oh, that's not as pretty as the casket we had for Mom." I instantly looked at her and she said, "Karen, don't think about sad things. Just enjoy our time together." It was like God gave me the gift of that dream. Everything about the graduation party in my dream went like it would have if she had been there. I got to experience it anyway.
I miss those times in the kitchen with her and I will cherish those memories forever. Everytime I entertain for showers or small get togethers at my house I try to arrange little plates of food and I always think, "My momma taught me how to throw a party!"
Busy Saturday
Jonathon stayed home to take care of some business and I went on to our Music for Malawi concert. We had a low turnout but honestly, it was so much fun hearing the worship music that it doesn't matter. I think we will break even on the event so I'm just glad the thirty or so people who came out had a great time. I also got to do some brainstorming with a few people about some opportunities to think about. Hmmm.....
Overall it was a great Saturday. Now it's time to put the pjs on and relax....
If you don't have plans...
I know it's a busy time but if you find yourself in Charlestown tonight....come by. For those who are worried about not being able to give....I mostly want this to be a fun night for worship and wholesome fun. Just stop by to hear a couple songs if you like. :)
The band covers a lot of music like Third Day and Casting Crowns...
Friday, May 8, 2009
It's nice to feel loved....
They hadn't had a bad morning. My sub said everything was wonderful and so did the kids. They just missed me. Aw....That made me feel so loved. :) I've had such a great year this year. I'm going to miss my class!
Live Like You Were Dying...
You can see more about her at this site...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dave Ramsey would be so proud...
I will admit there was one down side....the car smells like cat. It will have to have a detailing job. The same woman owned it from the start so I'm guessing she took her cats on occasional joy rides. :)
Vests for Valor
Sunday, May 3, 2009
On Saturday, I went to Kristen's for dinner and hung out with the kids. They are so much fun!
On Sunday, I had to take Jonathon to back to the airport and missed church because of the timing. I kissed him goodbye for the week. He has a trip to PA and won't be home until Friday. The poor thing was sick as a dog last night. He caught some kind of stomach bug.
I went by a furniture store on the way home and found out the couches I have been keeping my eye on until I saved the money to get them have been discontinued. Rats! They are doing a search for them because they are on clearance. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they find them somewhere.
We had a mission meeting tonight and I'm getting more and more excited about my upcoming trip. We separated some school supplies and other donated items to put in our suitcases for the kids. We also polished up the plans for our worship concert this weekend. Even if you can't afford to give a love offering, you should think about attending our worship concert just for the praise music!
Accident update: Many people have commented, called, or emailed concerns about the accident. Jami and I both are feeling pretty good. I will admit that I had some tightness in my neck and eye yesterday that came with a headache. Today I woke up feeling 100% but throughout the afternoon I started getting tight again....then a headache. I decided to get checked out to be safe. I'm 99% sure everything is fine but I want to be sure. So thanks to those who have worried...I'm going to get checked out. :)
Okay, here's to the start of a good week...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Another memory about yesterday...
Friday, May 1, 2009
My Daddy Saved Our Lives...
Okay, so now to the part about how my daddy saved our lives... On the way back to Jami's house the police officer complimented me on not having my steering wheel turned and ready for the left hand turn. He said most people do that anticipating the turn so they can react quicker when the traffic breaks. If I had been in position for the turn already when the guy hit us we would have been sent into the oncoming traffic instead of being pushed straight ahead like we did. He said, "I don't know who taught you to turn left like that but it probably saved your friend's life." (Jami would have been in the receiving end of the on-coming traffic.) I proudly said, "My daddy taught me that." I think it was part adrenaline but I almost got emotional. Dad always passed on his "professional driving" tips because he saw so many things as a truck driver. It was a good reminder that my parents are still with me.
Praise God for watching over us today! I can't forget Him either.