#6. I hate scrubbing the bathroom.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I Got Tagged...
-Link to the person who tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Write Six Random Things about yourself.
-Tag six-or-so other people at the bottom of the post.
-Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged!
-Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.
1. I don't like belly buttons. I don't like touching my own belly button and I can't stand to see anyone else touch their's either.
2. I love wearing hoodie sweatshirts. It's my shirt of choice from fall to spring. I even sleep in them. They are just so cozy!
3. I am a pile maker. I have my own style of organization. I can usually find anything I need or at least know which pile to look in to find it. The bad thing about this form of organziation is that the piles are everywhere. I have one pile on the back corner in the kitchen usually full of bills and such. Another pile stays under the intable between the two couches. I also have at least two piles at all times in the bedroom, usually clothes. Thank goodness Jonathon is a patient man!
4. I overbook myself all the time. If you are ever trying to make plans with me or if I ever forget to do something very simple, please keep in mind that it's probably because I have so much going on at all times that I forget things unless I write them down. Tell me to write it down...
5. I love to dance. Sometimes I turn music on when I'm by myself and get it out of my system. It's good exercise and it energizes me. It doesn't matter how silly I look because nobody is around.
Okay, so now I tag Jami, Megan, Laura, Sulayne, Terri, and Michelle.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Write Six Random Things about yourself.
-Tag six-or-so other people at the bottom of the post.
-Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged!
-Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.
1. I don't like belly buttons. I don't like touching my own belly button and I can't stand to see anyone else touch their's either.
2. I love wearing hoodie sweatshirts. It's my shirt of choice from fall to spring. I even sleep in them. They are just so cozy!
3. I am a pile maker. I have my own style of organization. I can usually find anything I need or at least know which pile to look in to find it. The bad thing about this form of organziation is that the piles are everywhere. I have one pile on the back corner in the kitchen usually full of bills and such. Another pile stays under the intable between the two couches. I also have at least two piles at all times in the bedroom, usually clothes. Thank goodness Jonathon is a patient man!
4. I overbook myself all the time. If you are ever trying to make plans with me or if I ever forget to do something very simple, please keep in mind that it's probably because I have so much going on at all times that I forget things unless I write them down. Tell me to write it down...
5. I love to dance. Sometimes I turn music on when I'm by myself and get it out of my system. It's good exercise and it energizes me. It doesn't matter how silly I look because nobody is around.
Okay, so now I tag Jami, Megan, Laura, Sulayne, Terri, and Michelle.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tonight in my small group we talked about this quote:
No one can be betrayed who hasn't loved, no one can be disappointed who hasn't tried, no one can be disillusioned who hasn't dreamed...
I think you have to go through disappointments to really appreciate the highs of life. This caused some debate.
Would you rather have a life of constant contentment or have a life of emotional highs and lows?
No one can be betrayed who hasn't loved, no one can be disappointed who hasn't tried, no one can be disillusioned who hasn't dreamed...
I think you have to go through disappointments to really appreciate the highs of life. This caused some debate.
Would you rather have a life of constant contentment or have a life of emotional highs and lows?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Needed Weekend
I spent the weekend with my family in Bowling Green. I slept in on Saturday and didn't wake up until 11:00 our time. Wow! I never sleep in. I think when I visit my aunt and uncle's house I'm able to leave my work and house behind and relax. I needed it too!
On Sunday we met up with my cousin, Kelli, and her husband, Scott. They just returned from a two-week vacation in Europe. They had so many stories to tell. One included a trip to a nude beach. They didn't realize where they were going until it was too late! Can you imagine?!?!? They didn't take any pictures of that particular vacation spot. They said they were amazed at how everywhere they went the Europeans were following the US election and had their own opinions about things.
Sunday evening it was back to Louisville to watch my cousin and his Southern Gospel Quartet, Triumphant, perform at a church in Shively. It was so good to see Jeff perform in person. It had been a couple years since I had seen his group. He stocked us up with cds so I listened to one as I drove around running errands today.
I have an announcement: I'm going to help coach cheerleading for the basketball season at CHS. I'm really excited about it. I go to most of the boys' home games anyway so when the position came open I thought it would be fun to get involved in the sport at the high school level. Several of the current cheerleaders were on my squad at JJ when they were little so this should be fun.
Happy Monday. Have a great week!
On Sunday we met up with my cousin, Kelli, and her husband, Scott. They just returned from a two-week vacation in Europe. They had so many stories to tell. One included a trip to a nude beach. They didn't realize where they were going until it was too late! Can you imagine?!?!? They didn't take any pictures of that particular vacation spot. They said they were amazed at how everywhere they went the Europeans were following the US election and had their own opinions about things.
Sunday evening it was back to Louisville to watch my cousin and his Southern Gospel Quartet, Triumphant, perform at a church in Shively. It was so good to see Jeff perform in person. It had been a couple years since I had seen his group. He stocked us up with cds so I listened to one as I drove around running errands today.
I have an announcement: I'm going to help coach cheerleading for the basketball season at CHS. I'm really excited about it. I go to most of the boys' home games anyway so when the position came open I thought it would be fun to get involved in the sport at the high school level. Several of the current cheerleaders were on my squad at JJ when they were little so this should be fun.
Happy Monday. Have a great week!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Different Stuff
- I'm having a great school year. I think I've said that before in blog entries but when the going is good, it's worth celebrating. I have a GREAT class, I'm teaching writing (my favorite) three times per day, morale in our building is great....Things at school are great!
- I'm very forgetful. Seriously forgetful. I forgot to do something for Kristen this morning. She asked me to leave something for her in my mailbox so she could pick it up. When she told me to do it, the first thought in my mind was "I'm going to forget to do this." I did. Thank God she knows me well enough not to be surprised. Am I the only person that has to literally write everything down? I will forget complete conversations unless I write it down. I get so mad at myself!
- The election is coming up and I'm scared. I have been reading and watching media clips and there's so much to think about. It's scary....
- I'm ready for Fall. I want to wear my sweatshirts and feel cozy all day long.
- I need to start running again. I've taken the past year off pretty much. I've never really recuperated my motivation since the mono. I remember the days when I felt addicted to working out. I long for those days again...
- I have tomorrow off! I'm going to sleep in, excercise, make some items for an Africa trip fundraiser, grade some papers, and pack my bags for Bowling Green. I'm driving off to Sticeville for a visit with the family.
- Have a great weekend!
Happy Birthday Jonathon!

Today is Jonathon's Birthday!
I love you more than I can put into words. You are my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you. Even when you are nine hours away from me I still feel close to you. Our phone call each night is the highlight of my day. I can't wait until you are home again. Have a great day!
I love you,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Passed!!!
I got my scores today for the School Leadership Series test....the one that allows me to get my administrative license. I passed!
I was worried because I'm such an idiot sometimes. When I was taking the 6-Hour test I made a huge mistake. During the first section, we had 10 scenarios we had to respond to and an hour to do it. That's six minutes per situation. My brain flipped that somewhere between the beginning of the test and the end to be 6 scenarios with 10 minutes each. After #6 I thought I had plenty of time left so I went back and started adding details to my other answers. The proctor announced we had ten minutes left when I realized that I hadn't answered #'s 7-10 yet. Yikes!! I quickly scribbled something out for #7 and wrote about a sentence for #8, leaving #'s 9 and 10 blank. I have been terrified that my stupid mistake was going to keep me from passing. Duh!
Well, I've been stalking the website for the past five days trying to see my fate. Today the scores were finally posted and I'm soooooo relieved!!
I'm not rushing to get a different job or anything. I just didn't want to pay the $480 to take it again. Ugh. Also, there have only been like two people from IUS to not pass it and I didn't want to become #3!!
So anyway, another educational chapter completed. Shew.....
I was worried because I'm such an idiot sometimes. When I was taking the 6-Hour test I made a huge mistake. During the first section, we had 10 scenarios we had to respond to and an hour to do it. That's six minutes per situation. My brain flipped that somewhere between the beginning of the test and the end to be 6 scenarios with 10 minutes each. After #6 I thought I had plenty of time left so I went back and started adding details to my other answers. The proctor announced we had ten minutes left when I realized that I hadn't answered #'s 7-10 yet. Yikes!! I quickly scribbled something out for #7 and wrote about a sentence for #8, leaving #'s 9 and 10 blank. I have been terrified that my stupid mistake was going to keep me from passing. Duh!
Well, I've been stalking the website for the past five days trying to see my fate. Today the scores were finally posted and I'm soooooo relieved!!
I'm not rushing to get a different job or anything. I just didn't want to pay the $480 to take it again. Ugh. Also, there have only been like two people from IUS to not pass it and I didn't want to become #3!!
So anyway, another educational chapter completed. Shew.....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Callie's Post
A message from Callie about our Saturday:
at socr I brot scnks. Me and KK wint to chdrs.
(At soccer I brought snacks. Me and KK went to Cheddar's.)
I thought I would let her tell what we did but it took an hour to get that so I told her I would finish. Ha ha. As you heard, Callie had a soccer game then we went to Cheddar's for lunch. After lunch we went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth at the dollar movie place. It was really good but I think it was a little too much for Callie to understand. We topped off our day with a little spa treatment at the nail salon. Callie was so excited. She just kept thanking me. It was so sweet. I took her out for the day because it was my birthday present to her. I'm trying to buy less "stuff" for the girls and instead do more "stuff" with them for their presents.
Kristen dropped Madison off at my house around 5:30 and we had a slumber party. We made dinner, baked cupcakes for the Fall Festival at church, and played games on the computer. It was a good time.
Madison is carrying around Kristen's first stuffed animal. It's a 33 year old stuffed dolphin. It has a little metal winder on it because it used to play music. Maddie asked me why it didn't work and I told her it was too old and rusted and it won't turn anymore. I heard this:
Callie: How does she know that?
Madison: I bet she read a book about play dolphins.
Ha!! It was hilarious to me......I guess you had to be there.
Okay, we are off to church and the Fall Festival.
at socr I brot scnks. Me and KK wint to chdrs.
(At soccer I brought snacks. Me and KK went to Cheddar's.)
I thought I would let her tell what we did but it took an hour to get that so I told her I would finish. Ha ha. As you heard, Callie had a soccer game then we went to Cheddar's for lunch. After lunch we went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth at the dollar movie place. It was really good but I think it was a little too much for Callie to understand. We topped off our day with a little spa treatment at the nail salon. Callie was so excited. She just kept thanking me. It was so sweet. I took her out for the day because it was my birthday present to her. I'm trying to buy less "stuff" for the girls and instead do more "stuff" with them for their presents.
Kristen dropped Madison off at my house around 5:30 and we had a slumber party. We made dinner, baked cupcakes for the Fall Festival at church, and played games on the computer. It was a good time.
Madison is carrying around Kristen's first stuffed animal. It's a 33 year old stuffed dolphin. It has a little metal winder on it because it used to play music. Maddie asked me why it didn't work and I told her it was too old and rusted and it won't turn anymore. I heard this:
Callie: How does she know that?
Madison: I bet she read a book about play dolphins.
Ha!! It was hilarious to me......I guess you had to be there.
Okay, we are off to church and the Fall Festival.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Busy Week
One week without Jonathon down!! It really went by very fast too. Here are a few highlights...
On Wednesday Brian started his Inner Circle services. I didn't know what to expect when I heard about this new Wednesday night service but I really enjoyed it!
On Thursday I went to Brian and Maria's new house and helped paint a little bit. I also enjoyed a home cooked meal from Becky. It was fun hanging out with the Tibbs and Hammonds.
Last night I went straight from school to the Charlestown Pizza Company with a group of friends. We went to the Homecoming at CHS. I ended working the crowd instead of hanging out in the stands. I was feeling especially social last night. I think it was because I didn't have Jonathon with me. I tend to stay in the stands and focus more on the game when he's with me. I missed him! After the game I went to Dairy Queen with a few people. We sat there forever giggling and telling stories. It felt like we were in high school again. Good times!
I have a busy, busy day planned. It's full of niece time. I'll post stories and pictures...
On Wednesday Brian started his Inner Circle services. I didn't know what to expect when I heard about this new Wednesday night service but I really enjoyed it!
On Thursday I went to Brian and Maria's new house and helped paint a little bit. I also enjoyed a home cooked meal from Becky. It was fun hanging out with the Tibbs and Hammonds.
Last night I went straight from school to the Charlestown Pizza Company with a group of friends. We went to the Homecoming at CHS. I ended working the crowd instead of hanging out in the stands. I was feeling especially social last night. I think it was because I didn't have Jonathon with me. I tend to stay in the stands and focus more on the game when he's with me. I missed him! After the game I went to Dairy Queen with a few people. We sat there forever giggling and telling stories. It felt like we were in high school again. Good times!
I have a busy, busy day planned. It's full of niece time. I'll post stories and pictures...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
9:00 Phone Date
When Jonathon is gone we have a standing agreement that he will call every night at 9:00. I look forward to our phone call all day long. If I'm busy at night or at an event, I get nervous if it's approaching 9:00 and I'm not home ready to take the call. We try to review our days and update each other on important things. My night wouldn't seem complete without it.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Jonathon is on the Road...
I got a hug and a kiss good-bye this morning as Jonathon hit the road for Alabama. This is the first time since we got married that he'll be gone for nearly two months. Say some prayers that he gets there safely!!
It's funny because this morning it felt like any Sunday night or Monday morning that he left for the week. I'm sure it will hit me on Friday when he's not here for our date night. The weekends will definitely be the hardest.
Here's to the start of week 1....There's only 7 to get through.
It's funny because this morning it felt like any Sunday night or Monday morning that he left for the week. I'm sure it will hit me on Friday when he's not here for our date night. The weekends will definitely be the hardest.
Here's to the start of week 1....There's only 7 to get through.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Jonathon's Birthday
Jonathon and I went out for his birthday last night. His birthday actually isn't until the 16th but since he's leaving on Monday we celebrated last night. We went to The Olive Garden. Jonathon loves Italian food so much. I tried something new last night: The Mixed Grill. Wow, it was good!!
We came back to the house and had a boring Friday night which is exactly what we love to do together. I picked up an Oreo ice cream pie so we'll spend the weekend munching on it. Mmmmm, so good!
Happy Early Birthday, Jonathon! (I love my man!!)
We came back to the house and had a boring Friday night which is exactly what we love to do together. I picked up an Oreo ice cream pie so we'll spend the weekend munching on it. Mmmmm, so good!
Happy Early Birthday, Jonathon! (I love my man!!)
Callie's Birthday
Callie's birthday was last Saturday. She had a full day. It started with a soccer game...
Here's Callie getting some directions from her coach...
She had many family members at the game to see her play. Then we all piled in our cars and went home to shower and get ready. We met back up at Kobe. I love hibatchi grills!!! This was the best food I've ever had at a kid's birthday party. Callie's a popular little thing. We filled up two whole grills.
AFter the food, the caravan headed back to Kristen's house to have cake and ice cream. Callie opened up her gifts too. It was a great time!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Okay, Now I'm Begging...
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come to the Applebee's Pancake Breakfast!!
Clarksville Applebee's
It's only $5.00 and it's ALL YOU CAN EAT!
You get your belly full! We raise money to support a mission trip! I know it's early but think about the yummy pancakes. Think about the support you would be given to the orphans in Malawi and the ministry there.
I hope to see you there!
Clarksville Applebee's
It's only $5.00 and it's ALL YOU CAN EAT!
You get your belly full! We raise money to support a mission trip! I know it's early but think about the yummy pancakes. Think about the support you would be given to the orphans in Malawi and the ministry there.
I hope to see you there!
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