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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Malawi Here I Come...

When I stepped off the plane from Malawi in July last year I was already counting down the months until the next time I would go back. I knew without a doubt that it would happen again. In the past year I have to admit that my priorities have been spread all over the place and I was beginning to feel like maybe it wasn't meant for me to go again.

With the economy the way it is here and there I thought maybe the money that would be used to get me there would be better spent on things the kids need instead of my visit. I get consistent text messages from one of the teachers there who asks "when will you visit again" so when thoughts were crossing my mind about not going I really didn't know what to think.

Brother Gentry (the mission leader) met with our missions group on Sunday and when I posed the economy question to him he said, "Would a granddaughter rather see her grandma in person or be sent a $2000 check to spend?" He made a good point. He knows how great the need is and he could easily have said, "Just give me your money instead," but he didn't. I know the kids there want me to come back. I know the teachers do as well. So, with thoughtful prayer, my mind and heart are refueled for the mission.

I am on fire again. My heart is so full of things I want to accomplish this time. My step-sister, Jill, is planning on going back and I know we will work even harder this time to make a difference for these kids. Our whole team will!

So, Malawi....Here I come-AGAIN!

1 comment:

"The" Chick. said...

I'm so glad that you found your answer!

Maybe someday we can do missions together....someday being in at least 10 years....but hey...we'll only be in our 40's :)