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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Purse

So this week I bought a big purse. I've noticed the fashion trend has been the bigger the better for a while now but I've always been a small purse kind of girl. In college, I carried everything I needed on a key chain that had a folded pocket on it. It was just enough room to hold my license and debit card. After college I moved to very small sizes that were just big enough to hold a wallet and my cell phone.

Recently, I've been in situations where I wish I had more room to hold my stuff: small picture book, pocket calendar, checkbook, and coupon organizer (yes, being married is fun). Well, this weekend while out and about in Chicago, I noticed that Carrie and Nora were able to fit anything and everything in their purses......or bags I should say. So, I bought a big purse. Now, it may be considered more of a mid-size given the ginormous sizes of purses these days but it's definitely a lot bigger than any other purse I've ever carried. I also stuck with basic black....or boring black as some would say. I may get hooked and venture out into matching bags for every outfit. Who knows?!?!?

When I bought it I couldn't wait to get home and organize it. I have room for all the things I listed above that I couldn't fit in my other purse. I even put some grooming items in a little Vera Bradley bag that I can use to freshen up as I run from school to meeting to dinner plans to basketball game.....as my life usually runs like that through the school year. I've carried it for two days now and I gotta say....I'm hooked! I love being able to throw everything in my bag. The only downside is I've lost my keys in the thing at least five times!!
The "side view" per Nora's request...


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

good start towards kids, karen! i carry i big purse so i can fit wipes, snacks, etc. in it! it's great! welcome to the club!

The Converse Secret Public Journal said...

I have a solution for the lost keys. At Hallmark they have these great key organizers that are attached to a decorative do-hicky that hangs on the rim of your purse. Not a good description, but I LOVE mine.

Hers and His said...

I couldn't function without my "ginormous" purses! Every time I've tried to downsize to a small purse for the day, I get out and then I realize I need something that wouldn't fit into my purse!